Sunday 21 February 2010

Changing games

Well after yesterday's spewathon I was a little more cautious today, for less than obvious reasons. If I think I'm +EV in the game then I should be going for it irrespective of short term results. But anyway, I was cautious, and after working up about $16 profit in a set of turbos I spontaneously decided to reg to a set of non turbos, figuring that 20 of them would earn me exactly enough VPP to maintain my Silver Star status this month. You get twice as many VPP, albeit for paying twice the fee, but because of the slower format a higher ROI is achievable than in the turbos.

It was a lot less stressful; players were just as likely to stack off at low blind levels, but there was twice as long for them to do so, which meant twice as long for me to find a hand to get all their chips. Also, the pace of the game was slower generally, including a couple of extra seconds to decide each time the action is on you, and also a time bank of 60 seconds instead just 15 seconds in the turbos. It's basically impossible to time out, but there is also less pressure to act hastily just because a dozen or fifteen tables are demanding action at the same time. I feel that it would still be comfortable to multitable these 25 at a time, so I've decided to give that a shot this week and see if I can make a push at getting Gold after all, which was one of my goals for the month, and was something I basically gave up on a few days ago. Now it's still achieveable with about 150 games per day, which is six sessions at 25 tabling.

My mini session of non-turbos finished 13/20 for a nice little profit of $22, which means that over the day I recovered about three-quarters of the amount I lost yesterday.

Let's see what the week brings us as I grind out something ever so slightly different.

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