Thursday 11 March 2010

The missing blog entries?

So, it's nearly two weeks since I added anything to this; how have things been going?

Well, my only poker goal for the month was a volume goal of games for the month. I started a bit slowly, Monday 1st was another visit to Liz and baby Joshua, followed by a spot of bowling, managed my best set of the year, a rather respectable 575(ish). Didn't play on Tuesday 2nd either, managed a smattering of games on 3rd and 4th for a few dollars profit, before deciding to get my grinding hat on for Friday, which went a bit pear shaped. I ground my way through 62 games for what I intended to be my just the first of two sessions, but when I checked my balance as that session came to a close for a break and some food, I had somehow managed to drop $45. This was despite thinking I'd played pretty decent and expecting to actually be up by around the same amount. Somewhere along the line I was $90 shy of where I felt I ought to be; after reviewing some of the games I decided to not bother with a second session that day.

This was before any of the events of the weekend was actually planned, which was all done a bit last minute.

So, I've had a better time generally over the beginning of March when away from the virtual felt, enjoying myself a bit more than last month. The weekend started with a great Saturday afternoon out at the Tower of London with Christina, where we did a tour with a Yeoman Warder, saw the Crown Jewels, and visited the Regimental Museum of the Fusiliers, particularly marvelling at the dozen VCs on display there; that was followed by a drink at the Dickens Inn and a fantastic curry in St Katherine Docks and then a few more drinks in the Coal Hole on the Strand, where we were joined by Helen T and other friends; that was Saturday night, and we finished it sharing takeaway chicken at Helen's flat at about 4am, where we talked about all sorts of things from bowling to troublesome colleagues to errant partners. Somehow she then got up in the morning and bowled another 299..... I hate her for being able to do that. But not really!

That was followed up by a rather tired and early start for me on Sunday and a visit to my sister's new base, near which we had a drink in a 900 year old pub, and had a great meal in another pub (pork and apple stew with a lovely mash, mmmmmmmm). Then on Monday I took Tina for a birthday lunch, up at the Daylight, then in the evening Mum arrived back over here from Denmark for a fortnight, the first time I'd seen here in about two and a half months. So that was a pretty good three days.

And then yesterday and today I finally managed to fit in a bit more poker. Both were short but productive sessions, yielding a combined profit of $77. This gets me back in profit for the month so far, at +$67 for the games.

Year to date for non-turbos only

Games 375
Wins 200
ITM 58.7%
Profit $175
ROI 8.6%

Once again I'm behind schedule on my volume goal for the month though. I've only played 158 of my target of 1,600 games; that's 1/10 of the target in 1/3 of the available time. That 1,600 gets me past the Gold Star requirement and up to 3,500VPP for the month, which will clear a fair amount of reload bonus, plus Stellar rewards and a decent value of FPP. I really, REALLY have to start doing this properly now.

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