Wednesday 12 May 2010

Upping my game in May

And so onto the month of May, and my move up to the 10s. First of all, my aim for this month is to play enough to make Platinum on the 'Stars VIP system.

So, May started with the realisation that I had two chunks of my WCOOP reload bonus left to clear. I deposited the 2nd and 3rd chunks way back in November last year, with 180 days to clear them; I also did the New Year reload bonus, but that cleared first because it only had 90 days to clear. So, that was $150 of money back that I had to earn this month. But I still needed over 2,000 VPP to get there, and yet, over the course of four months so far this year I'd only made a little over twice that in total! This was going to require an effort!

But it would also properly spur me on to make some money from the games, as well as get some volume in to clear the bonus. The first chunk of $94 was due by the end of the May 3, and the second chunk of $56 by the early hours of today. In typical "Dave" style, I cut both deadlines super-fine, completing both of them with less than 45 minutes to spare, after marathon charges.

The good news is that it was definitely worth it. In addition to the $150 of reload bonus, I have cleared the first of the $50 levels in the Stellar rewards, and am a good way towards the next one, which I hope to clear this month too. I also accumulated over 3,200 FPP, worth about another $50, and then on top of that I have the actual profit from the games, which came to $420.

So that's ~$670 better off already this month, and I hope to make a bit more over the rest of May. Getting up the VIP levels will obviously mean more FPP because of the better multipliers, and I have now churned through over 1300 DoNs at 10s, which is hopefully a big enough sample to confirm that I am at least still +EV at this level.

So far I have accumulated 2,160 VPP in May, leaving another 5,340 to reach Platinum. That's 2,428 games in about 19 days. With the multipliers should mean another $165 worth of FPP, plus another $50 of Stellar. I have also done the SCOOP reload bonus, which will be worth another $100. Plus my profit from the games, of course. If I can maintain my current ROI for the rest of the month then that should add an estimated $900 profit from the actual play, hopefully giving me a total profit for the month of around $1900. Which would be a pretty decent result.

So that's the plan, let's see how it works out.

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