Wednesday 14 July 2010

June results - July holidays

So, June is now gone, and after all this time I think I can finally lay claim to a set of monthly results which approach a certain level of professionalism. I disciplined myself enough, and managed my time well enough, that I played for just over 120 hours in the month. I stuck to just one game all month, the 2/180s, rather than making capricious changes of format after small downswings like I have done in the past, and I hope this is testament to my new dedication to doing this properly, testament to my growing understanding of the long term and the nature of variance in poker, and testament to my growing ability to be objective about how my game is going, without getting too high on a day where I run good or too low on a day where I run bad.

I made just over $1,200 profit from the games, with about $65 worth of FPP value and I also cleared another $50 Stellar, for a total profit of about $1,340 on the month. However, I didn't manage to maintain my Gold status, although I did expect that, so my FPP earnings will take a small hit this month as I drop down to Silver, but it's not that big a deal really. I won't make Gold this month either, so that will have to be a goal for August.

So, the reason it's taken a while to post up for last month's results is because I have been sitting on a beach in Italy. It was a pretty good holiday, the only minor complaint being a total absence of fresh fruit juice. Now it's back to reality, and on with the business of grinding for this month.

Given the time which has already passed, and other plans for the month, I'm probably only going to have about 12 days play this month, so if I can average just over 120 games per day of play that should be around 1,500 tournaments, and should give me another $1,100 or so profit if I can maintain my current ROI.

Here's how it all looks so far for 2/180s

Profit---- $1,305.56

Target for July

1) 1,500 games
2) ? profit
3) Maybe mix in some scheduled MTTs if they start near the beginning of my sessions.

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